Wednesday, March 21, 2012

UCM file operations (add, edit, delete, search) using RIDC

Top of Form
RIDC provides a thin communication API for communication with UCM Server. This API removes data abstractions to the content server while still providing a wrapper to handle connection pooling, security, and protocol specifics. RIDC supports three protocols: Intradoc, HTTP, and WebServices/JAX-WS of these Intradoc is very popular because it does not require a password, but instead relies on the UCM server's ip filter to trust the connection.
The official RIDC documentation ( and java docs ( provide more information. This post has some sample code that can help implement some of the standard requirements that may come up as part of the project.
The following classes would typically be needed to be imported to perform the following operations
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClient;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcClientException;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.IdcContext;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.DataBinder;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.DataObject;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.DataResultSet;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.model.TransferFile;
import oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.ServiceResponse;
Please check the documentation about various types of connections available and how the connectivity is different for each type. This following code allows you to connect using Intradoc (See above).
IdcClientManager myIdcClientManager = new IdcClientManager();
IdcClient myIdcClient = myIdcClientManager.createClient("idc://");
IdcContext myIdcContext = new IdcContext(myUcmUsername);  

Note: The values passed to the DataBinder (e.g. myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocAuthor", myUsernameInSession);) are name-value pairs and are strings.

Search content
The search is typically done using the query string and we can control the number of records returned and how the returned records are sorted.
Quick Tips about query string
  • Passing blank ("") query text fetches all files
  • Passing "dDocAuthor <matches> `WebLogicUser`" as query text fetches all files whose author is WebLogicUser
  • Other keywords being <contains>, <and>, <or> 
  • Use ` to pass value (located under ~ on keyboard) 
  • Use of the below 2 lines is to display uploaded files sorted as per upload date, with most recent at the top
myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("SortField", "dInDate");
myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("SortOrder", "Desc");.
 ServiceResponse myServiceResponse = null;
try {
  DataBinder myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "GET_SEARCH_RESULTS");
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("QueryText", "");
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("ResultCount", "20");
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("SortField", "dInDate");
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("SortOrder", "Desc");
  myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
  DataBinder myResponseDataBinder = myServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder();
  DataResultSet myDataResultSet = myResponseDataBinder.getResultSet("SearchResults");
  System.out.println("Printing file details...");
  for (DataObject myDataObject : myDataResultSet.getRows()) {
    System.out.println("Id: " + myDataObject.get("dID"));
    System.out.println("ContentId: " + myDataObject.get("dDocName"));
    System.out.println("Title of content: " + myDataObject.get("dDocTitle"));
    System.out.println("Author: " + myDataObject.get("dDocAuthor"));
    System.out.println("Release date: " + myDataObject.get("dInDate"));
    System.out.println("Folder id: " + Long.toString(getFolderIdFromPath("/Contribution Folders/")));
    System.out.println("Mapped folder URL: " + myDataObject.get("mappedFolderURL"));
    System.out.println("Total rows: " + myDataObject.get("TotalRows"));
} catch (IdcClientException idcce) {
  System.out.println("IDC Client Exception occurred. Unable to retrieve files list. Message: " + idcce.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Exception occurred. Unable to retrieve files list. Message: " + e.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
} finally {
  if (myServiceResponse != null) {
 Get folder id from path
Use the below code to upload a file to a particular folder on the UCM server.
ServiceResponse myServiceResponse = null;
Long myFolderId = null;
try {
  DataBinder myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "COLLECTION_INFO");
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("hasCollectionPath", "true");
// Folder path for which ID is needed.
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dCollectionPath", myFolderPath);
  myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
  DataBinder myResponseDataBinder = myServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder();
  DataResultSet myDataResultSet = myResponseDataBinder.getResultSet("PATH");
  DataObject myDataObject = myDataResultSet.getRows().get(myDataResultSet.getRows().size() - 1);
  myFolderId = new Long(myDataObject.get("dCollectionID"));
  System.out.println("Folder id: " + myFolderId);
} catch (IdcClientException idcce) {
  System.out.println("IDC Client Exception occurred. Unable to retrieve folder id from path. Message: " + idcce.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Exception occurred. Unable to retrieve folder id from path. Message: " + e.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
} finally {
  if (myServiceResponse != null) {
Add new content
This sample code allows you to upload a local (or remote file) in to UCM. Please refer to "Add new content - additional comments" towards the end of this post.
ServiceResponse myServiceResponse = null;
  InputStream fileStream = null;
  try {
    String fileName = "UploadFile.html";
    fileStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    long fileLength = new File(fileName).length();
    DataBinder myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL");
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocType", "Application");
// Title of the Uploaded file
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocTitle", myFileTitle);
// Name of Author
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocAuthor", myUsernameInSession);
// Security for the content (Group and Account)
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dSecurityGroup", "Public");
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocAccount", "");
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dFormat", "text/html");
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("xCollectionID", Long.toString(getFolderIdFromPath("/Contribution Folders/")));
    myRequestDataBinder.addFile("primaryFile", new TransferFile(fileStream, fileName, fileLength, "text/html"));
    myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
    InputStream myInputStream = myServiceResponse.getResponseStream();
    String myResponseString = myServiceResponse.getResponseAsString();
    System.out.println("Uploaded file details: \n" + myResponseString);
    DataBinder myResponseDataBinder = myServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder();
    System.out.println("File uploaded successfully");
  } catch (IdcClientException idcce) {
    System.out.println("IDC Client Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " + idcce.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println("IO Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " + ioe.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
  } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " + e.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
  } finally {
    if (myServiceResponse != null) {
    if (fileStream != null) {
      try {
      }catch(Exception e) {
Download content
This code allows you to get access to the content.
String myFileToEdit = null;
try {
  DataBinder myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "GET_FILE");
// Document ID
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dID", myId);
// Content ID
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocName", myContentId);
  ServiceResponse myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
  int intReportedFileSize = Integer.parseInt(myServiceResponse.getHeader("Content-Length"));
  int intRetrievedFileSize = 0;
  InputStream myInputStream = null;
  InputStreamReader myInputStreamReader = null;
  try {
    myInputStream = myServiceResponse.getResponseStream();
    myInputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(myInputStream, "UTF-8");
    int intRead = 0;
    char[] myCharArray = new char[4096];
    StringBuffer myStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    while ((intRead = != -1) {
      myStringBuffer.append(myCharArray, 0, intRead);
      intRetrievedFileSize += intRead;
    myFileToEdit = myStringBuffer.toString();
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println("IO Exception occurred. Unable to retrieve file. Message: " + ioe.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
    myFileToEdit = null;
  } finally {
    if (myInputStream != null) {
      try {
      } catch(Exception exception) {
        System.out.println("IO Exception occurred while closing.", Stack trace: ");
    if (myInputStreamReader != null) { 
      } catch(Exception exception) {
        System.out.println("IO Exception occurred while closing.", Stack trace: ");
} catch (IdcClientException idcce) {
  System.out.println("IDC Client Exception occurred. Unable to retrieve file. Message: " + idcce.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
  myFileToEdit = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Exception occurred. Unable to retrieve file. Message: " + e.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
  myFileToEdit = null;
Update content
The editing of an existing content consists of checking out and then checking in the updated content. The check in file process is same as file upload code above.
Checking out content
ServiceResponse myServiceResponse = null;
try {
  DataBinder myResponseDataBinder = null;

  DataBinder myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKOUT");
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dID", myId);
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocName", myContentId);
  myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
  myResponseDataBinder = myServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder();
  DataObject myDataObject = myResponseDataBinder.getLocalData();
  System.out.println("File checked out successfully");
} catch (IdcClientException idcce) {
  System.out.println("IDC Client Exception occurred. Unable to checkout file. Message: " + idcce.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Exception occurred. Unable to check out file. Message: " + e.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
} finally {
  if (myServiceResponse != null) {

Undo checkout
In case uploading of a file fails, the file should not remain checked out. Hence, checking out operation is required to be undone.
ServiceResponse myServiceResponse = null;
  try {
    DataBinder myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "UNDO_CHECKOUT");
// Document ID
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dID", myId);
// Document Name
    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocName", myContentId);
    myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
    DataBinder myResponseDataBinder = myServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder();
    System.out.println("Undone check out file successfully");
  } catch (IdcClientException idcce) {
    System.out.println("IDC Client Exception occurred. Unable to undo check out file. Message: " + idcce.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
  } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Exception occurred. Unable to undo check out file. Message: " + e.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
  } finally {
    if (myServiceResponse != null) {
Delete content
It may be required to delete the uploaded file.
ServiceResponse myServiceResponse = null;
try {
  DataBinder myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "DELETE_DOC");
// Document ID
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dID", myId);
// Document Name
  myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocName", myContentId);
  myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
  DataBinder myResponseDataBinder = myServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder();
  System.out.println("File deleted successfully");
} catch (IdcClientException idcce) {
  System.out.println("IDC Client Exception occurred. Unable to delete file. Message: " + idcce.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Exception occurred. Unable to delete file. Message: " + e.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
} finally {
  if (myServiceResponse != null) {

 Add new content – additional comments
There may be 2 types of requirement while adding a new file to the UCM server.
1) Upload a local file and save it on server’s disk
       ServiceResponse myServiceResponse = null;
        try {
            if (myFile != null) {
                if (myFile.exists()) {
                    DataBinder myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocType", "Application");
                    // File title may be accepted in form of string from UI (e.g. Input Text) and passed in function call
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocTitle",  myContentTitle);
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocAuthor", myUsernameInSession);
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dSecurityGroup", "dSecurityGroup");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocAccount", "");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dFormat", "text/html");
                    myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("xCollectionID", Long.toString(getFolderIdFromPath("/Contribution Folders/")));  
                    // File may be passed in function call
                    myRequestDataBinder.addFile("primaryFile", new TransferFile(myFile));
                    myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
                    //// 1
                    //  InputStream myInputStream = myServiceResponse.getResponseStream();
                    // BufferedReader myBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(myInputStream));
                    // StringBuffer myStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
                    // String myLine = "";
                    // while ((myLine = myBufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
                    // myStringBuffer.append(myLine);
                    // myStringBuffer.append("\n");
                    // }
                    // System.out.println("Uploaded file details: \n" + myStringBuffer.toString());
                    //// Or
                    //// 2
                    String myResponseString = myServiceResponse.getResponseAsString();
                    System.out.println("Uploaded news details: \n" + myResponseString);
                    //// Or
                    //// 3
                    DataBinder myResponseDataBinder = myServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder();
                    System.out.println("File uploaded successfully");
        } catch (IdcClientException idcce) {
            System.out.println("IDC Client Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " + idcce.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: " + idcce.getStackTrace());
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
            System.out.println("File Not Found Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " + fnfe.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: " + fnfe.getStackTrace());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            System.out.println("IO Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " + ioe.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: " + ioe.getStackTrace());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " + e.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: " + e.getStackTrace());
        } finally {
            if (myServiceResponse != null) {

2) Accept text in form of string from UI (e.g. Rich Text Editor) and convert it to a file in server’s memory without saving it on the server’s disk
DataBinder myResponseDataBinder = null;
ServiceResponse myServiceResponse = null;

InputStream myInputStream = null;
BufferedReader myBufferedReader = null;

try {   
    // File contents may be accepted in form of string from UI (e.g. Rich Text Editor) and passed in function call
    if (myFileContents != null) {
        if (myFileContents.length() > 0) {
            myInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(myFileContents.getBytes());
            myBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(myInputStream));

            System.out.println("Title: " + myContentTitle + ", Contents of file saved: " + myFileContents);

            if (myInputStream != null) {
                System.out.println("In uploadFile - Title: " + myContentTitle);
                DataBinder myRequestDataBinder = myIdcClient.createBinder();
                myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("IdcService", "CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL");
                myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocType", "Application");
                // File title may be accepted in form of string from UI (e.g. Input Text) and passed in function call
                myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocTitle", myContentTitle);
                myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocAuthor", myUsernameInSession);
                myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dSecurityGroup", "Public");
                myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dDocAccount", "");
                myRequestDataBinder.putLocal("dFormat", "text/html");
                myRequestDataBinder.addFile("primaryFile", new TransferFile(myInputStream, "UploadFile.html", myFileContents.length(), "text/html"));
                myServiceResponse = myIdcClient.sendRequest(myIdcContext, myRequestDataBinder);
                myInputStream = myServiceResponse.getResponseStream();
                String myResponseString =  myServiceResponse.getResponseAsString();
                System.out.println("Uploaded file details: \n" + myResponseString);
                myResponseDataBinder = myServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder();
                System.out.println("File uploaded successfully");
} catch (IdcClientException idcce) {
    System.out.println("IDC Client Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " + idcce.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
}catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println("IO Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " +  ioe.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " + e.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");
} finally {
    myFileContents = null;
    myContentTitle = null;

    if (myInputStream != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            System.out.println("IO Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " + ioe.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: ");

        if (myBufferedReader != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                System.out.println("IO Exception occurred. Unable to upload file. Message: " +  ioe.getMessage() + ", Stack trace: "));
    if (myServiceResponse != null) {